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Armenian Language

A person is blessed when he learns how to learn.

The Institute has an Armenian Language classroom. 

  1. The classroom has to solve the following student learning tasks:
    • To effectively use Armenian literature, to work with books, write report and essays in Armenian though and culture.
    • To prepare for Armenian seminars and experiences and journeys into Armenian language and culture.
    • To develop Armenian writing skills for individual projects while at the institute.
    • To prepare for future practical Armenian projects and to organize the Armenian open classes event.
    • The classroom develop the students skills for writing.
    • Students get acquainted with the subject of pedagogy through supplied recently published pedagogical literature.
  2. A second aim of the pedagogy subject classroom is to make the students appreciate their language and culture and realized:
    • Through discussion of the students creative work and a monthly competition.
    • The best poems, story, composition and individual projects are judged for methodology.
    • Literature and music event, are regularly scheduled that include jubilee evenings, literature quizzes and club parties
    • Meeting with the regional Armenian country artists, writers, scientist, and teachers. Regular seminars are held to discuss methodology and materials discussion.
    • To create didactic and observations materials for the new education system requirements.
  3. Prepare teachers for teaching in the educational system of 12 years duration. To insure this:
    • Introduce to the students the new educational system, its priorities and productivity.
    • To provide the learning students the new methods and skills materials require by the new education system.
    • To develop language themes and teaching methods in elementary classes according to new methods, and discussions of various different lessons.
    • To organize conference, answer and question periods and resolve disputes about the new educational system.
    • To show and discuss the best students projects, pedagogy experiences diary, and theme plans.